Agile Development


Learn Agile Software development bundles-up a group of software development methodologies and is a necessity of future looking enterprise. It is based on iterative development. Agile approaches towards best practices that allow rapid delivery of high quality software.

The main topics of Agile Training course content contain Core Agile Artefacts, Hosting daily Agile, Holding Sprint Planning meeting, Iterating the Product backlog, Creating and linking user personas, Planning a product delivery road map.

What will you learn
  • Introduction to Agile concepts

    Agile is made up of several concepts such as Scrum and extreme programming and more. You’ll be taught all these concepts during the course.

  • All types of Agile managers

    You will be taught the differences as well as the similarities between different types of Agile managers. You’ll also learn how to use these tools effectively.

  • Best tools and techniques Best tools and techniques

    All the best tools and techniques of Agile development and management along with your use, technique and strategies will be taught.

As an Agile developer you will be able to create your own highly advanced software. We will teach you the following useful skills-

  • Agile project management
  • Agile methods
  • The principles of Agile
  • Scrum
  • XP
  • Collective code ownerships
  • Code standards
  • Pair programming
  • Managing risks
  • Product prioritization


Students Reviews

Tarun Agrawal – 06-Nov-18:

This course made the concept of Agile development dead simple for me! I was very confused before but the teachers over here removed every doubt I had in an expert manner.

Rakesh Mahor – 15-Oct-18:

Prolytics’ Agile software development course is very well designed with professional tutors and advanced learning material. The fees is also very low, which worked in my favor.

Bhanu Singh – 21-Sep-18:

I think other institutes should try to learn from Prolytics on how to provide the best instructional courses! The one Agile software development is beyond excellent!