Amazon Web Services (AWS) Development

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s leading cloud computing platform, providing scalable, reliable, and cost-effective cloud solutions. In the AWS course at Prolytics, you will learn the fundamentals of cloud computing, AWS architecture, and cloud security best practices. This course will equip you with the skills to design, deploy, and manage cloud-based applications and infrastructures.

The course covers essential topics such as AWS core services, cloud networking, security, automation, and best practices for optimizing cloud resources. Whether you're new to cloud computing or an experienced IT professional, this course will help you master AWS and open up opportunities in cloud computing.

What will you learn
  • Introduction to AWS and Cloud Computing

    Understand the fundamentals of cloud computing, AWS global infrastructure, and the advantages of using AWS for businesses.

  • AWS Core Services

    Learn about AWS services such as EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, and CloudFront, which are essential for building cloud applications.

  • Security and Compliance

    Explore AWS security best practices, Identity and Access Management (IAM), and compliance frameworks to protect cloud environments.

  • Networking and Storage

    Master AWS networking services like VPC, Route 53, and CloudFront, along with storage solutions such as S3 and EBS.

  • Deploying and Managing Applications

    Understand how to deploy, monitor, and scale cloud applications using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Auto Scaling, and CloudWatch.

By completing this course, you will develop expertise in the following areas:

  • Understanding AWS cloud infrastructure and core services
  • Configuring and securing AWS cloud environments
  • Deploying applications using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Lambda
  • Managing cloud storage with AWS S3 and EBS
  • Automating cloud operations using AWS CLI and SDKs
  • Monitoring and optimizing AWS cloud resources
  • Configuring networking and routing using AWS VPC
  • Implementing disaster recovery and high availability solutions
  • Integrating AWS with DevOps tools for CI/CD
  • Preparing for AWS certification exams and career opportunities


  • Duration
  • 45 Days
PLEASE READ: Lectures you can skip if you took a course from me before
AWS Account Activation Troubleshooting
Important Message
About your instructor
Code & Slides Download
[Important] AWS Console UI Update
About the UI changes in the course
Shared Responsibility Model for IAM
SSH Troubleshooting
IP Address Charges in AWS
EC2 Fundamentals Quiz
EBS Overview
EBS Hands On
EBS Snapshots
EBS Snapshots - Hands On
AMI Overview
AMI Hands On
EC2 Instance Store
EBS Volume Types
EBS Multi-Attach
Amazon EFS
Amazon EFS - Hands On
EBS & EFS - Section Cleanup
EC2 Data Management Quiz
High Availability and Scalability
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Overview
Note: About the Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
Application Load Balancer (ALB)
Application Load Balancer (ALB) - Hands On - Part 1
Application Load Balancer (ALB) - Hands On - Part 2
Network Load Balancer (NLB)
Network Load Balancer (NLB) - Hands On
Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB)
Elastic Load Balancer - Sticky Sessions
Elastic Load Balancer - Cross Zone Load Balancing
Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates
Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates - Hands On
Elastic Load Balancer - Connection Draining
Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) Overview
Auto Scaling Groups Hands On
Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies
Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies Hands On
Auto Scaling Groups - Instance Refresh
High Availability & Scalability Quiz
Amazon RDS Overview
RDS Read Replicas vs Multi AZ
Amazon RDS Hands On
Amazon Aurora
Amazon Aurora - Hands On
RDS & Aurora Security
RDS Proxy
ElastiCache Overview
ElastiCache Hands On
ElastiCache Strategies
Amazon MemoryDB for Redis - Overview
RDS, Aurora, & ElastiCache Quiz
What is a DNS?
Route 53 Overview
Route 53 - Registering a domain
Route 53 - Creating our first records
Route 53 - EC2 Setup
Route 53 - TTL
Route 53 CNAME vs Alias
Routing Policy - Simple
Routing Policy - Weighted
Routing Policy - Latency
Route 53 Health Checks
Route 53 - Health Checks Hands On
Routing Policy - Failover
Routing Policy - Geolocation
Routing Policy - Geoproximity
Routing Policy - Traffic Flow & Geoproximity Hands On
Routing Policy - IP-based
Routing Policy - Multi Value
3rd Party Domains & Route 53
Route 53 - Section Cleanup
Route 53 Quiz
VPC Fundamentals - Section Introduction
VPC, Subnets, IGW and NAT
NACL, SG, VPC Flow Logs
VPC Peering, Endpoints, VPN, DX
VPC Cheat Sheet & Closing Comments
Three Tier Architecture
VPC Quiz
S3 Overview
S3 Hands On
S3 Security: Bucket Policy
S3 Security: Bucket Policy Hands On
S3 Website Overview
S3 Website Hands On
S3 Versioning
S3 Versioning - Hands On
S3 Replication
S3 Replication Notes
S3 Replication - Hands On
S3 Storage Classes Overview
S3 Storage Classes Hands On
Amazon S3 Quiz
AWS EC2 Instance Metadata - Hands On
AWS CLI Profiles
AWS SDK Overview
Exponential Backoff & Service Limit Increase
AWS Credentials Provider & Chain
AWS Signature v4 Signing (Sigv4)
S3 Lifecycle Rules (with S3 Analytics)
S3 Lifecycle Rules - Hands On
S3 Event Notifications
S3 Event Notifications - Hands On
S3 Performance
S3 Object Tags & Metadata
Amazon S3 Advanced Quiz
S3 Encryption
S3 Encryption - Hands On
S3 Default Encryption
S3 CORS Hands On
S3 MFA Delete
S3 MFA Delete Hands On
S3 Access Logs
S3 Access Logs - Hands On
S3 Pre-signed URLs
S3 Pre-signed URLs - Hands On
S3 Access Points
S3 Object Lambda
Amazon S3 Security Quiz
CloudFront - Overview
CloudFront Hands On
CloudFront - Caching & Caching Policies
CloudFront - Cache Invalidations
CloudFront - Cache Behaviors
CloudFront - Caching & Caching Invalidations - Hands On
CloudFront - ALB as an Origin
CloudFront - Geo Restriction
CloudFront Signed URL / Cookies
CloudFront Signed URL - Key Groups + Hands On
CloudFront Advanced Concepts
CloudFront - Real Time Logs
CloudFront Quiz
Docker Introduction
Amazon ECS
Creating ECS Cluster - Hands On
Creating ECS Service - Hands On
Amazon ECS - Auto Scaling
Amazon ECS - Rolling Updates
Amazon ECS - Solutions Architectures
Amazon ECS Task Definitions - Deep Dive
Amazon ECS Task Definitions - Hands On
Amazon ECS - Task Placements
Amazon ECS - Clean Up - Hands On
Amazon ECR
Amazon ECR - Hands On
AWS CoPilot - Overview
AWS CoPilot - Hands On
Amazon EKS
Containers on AWS Quiz
AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Section Introduction
Elastic Beanstalk Overview (High level)
Beanstalk First Environment
Beanstalk Second Environment
Beanstalk CLI and Deployment Process
Beanstalk Lifecycle Policy Overview + Hands On
Beanstalk Extensions
Beanstalk & CloudFormation
Beanstalk Cloning
Beanstalk Migrations
Beanstalk Cleanup
Elastic Beanstalk Quiz
CloudFormation - Overview
CloudFormation - Create Stack - Hands On
CloudFormation - Update & Delete Stack - Hands On
YAML Crash Course
CloudFormation - Parameters
CloudFormation - Mappings
CloudFormation - Outputs & Exports
CloudFormation - Conditions
CloudFormation - Intrinsic Functions
CloudFormation - Rollbacks
CloudFormation - Service Role
CloudFormation - Capabilities
CloudFormation - Deletion Policy
CloudFormation - Stack Policy
CloudFormation - Termination Protection
CloudFormation - Custom Resources
CloudFormation - StackSets
CloudFormation Quiz
AWS Integration & Messaging - Section Introduction
Introduction to Messaging
Amazon SQS - Standard Queues Overview
SQS - Standard Queue Hands On
SQS Queue Access Policy
SQS - Message Visibility Timeout
SQS - Dead Letter Queues
SQS - Dead Letter Queues - Hands On
SQS - Delay Queues
SQS - Certified Developer concepts
SQS - FIFO Queues
SQS - FIFO Queues Advanced
Amazon SNS
Amazon SNS and SQS - Fan Out Pattern
SNS Hands On
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams - Hands On
Amazon Data Firehose
Amazon Data Firehose - Hands On
Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink
SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis
Messaging & Integration Quiz
AWS Monitoring - Section Introduction
Monitoring Overview in AWS
CloudWatch Metrics
CloudWatch Custom Metrics
CloudWatch Logs
CloudWatch Logs - Hands On
CloudWatch Logs - Live Tail - Hands On
CloudWatch Agent & CloudWatch Logs Agent
CloudWatch Logs - Metric Filters
CloudWatch Logs - Metric Filters Hands On
CloudWatch Alarms
CloudWatch Alarms Hands On
CloudWatch Synthetics
Amazon EventBridge
Amazon EventBridge - Hands On
Amazon EventBridge - Multi-Account Aggregation
X-Ray Overview
X-Ray Hands On
X-Ray: Instrumentation and Concepts
X-Ray: Sampling Rules
X-Ray APIs
X-Ray with Beanstalk
X-Ray & ECS
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry
CloudTrail Hands On
CloudTrail - EventBridge Integration
CloudTrail vs CloudWatch vs X-Ray
AWS Quick Clean-Up
Monitoring & Audit Quiz
AWS Lambda - Section Introduction
Serverless Introduction
AWS Lambda Overview
Lambda Synchronous Invocations
Lambda Synchronous Invocations Hands On
Lambda & Application Load Balancer
Lambda & Application Load Balancer Hands On
Lambda Asynchronous Invocations & DLQ
Lambda Asynchronous Invocations Hands On
Lambda & CloudWatch Events / EventBridge
Lambda & CloudWatch Events / EventBridge Hands On
Lambda & S3 Event Notifications
Lambda & S3 Event Notifications - Hands On
Lambda Event Source Mapping
Lambda Event Source Mapping Hands On (SQS)
Lambda Event & Context Objects
Lambda Destinations
Lambda Destinations Hands On
Lambda Permissions - IAM Roles & Resource Policies
Lambda Permissions - IAM Roles & Resource Policies - Hands On
Lambda Environment Variables
Lambda Environment Variables - Hands On
Lambda Monitoring & X-Ray Tracing
Lambda Monitoring & X-Ray Tracing - Hands On
Lambda@Edge & CloudFront Functions
Lambda in VPC
Lambda in VPC - Hands On
Lambda Function Performance
Lambda Function Performance - Hands On
Lambda Layers
Lambda Layers - Hands On
Lambda File Systems Mounting
Lambda Concurrency
Lambda Concurrency Hands On
Lambda External Dependencies
Lambda External Dependencies - Hands On
Lambda and CloudFormation
Lambda and CloudFormation - Hands On
Lambda Container Images
Lambda Versions and Aliases - Hands On
Lambda and CodeDeploy
Lambda Function URL
Lambda Function URL - Hands On
Lambda - CodeGuru Integration
Lambda Limits
Lambda Best Practices
Lambda Quiz
DynamoDB - Section Introduction
DynamoDB Overview
DynamoDB Basics - Hands On
DynamoDB WCU & RCU - Throughput
DynamoDB WCU & RCU - Hands On
DynamoDB - Basic Operations
DynamoDB Basic APIs - Hands On
DynamoDB - Conditional Writes
DynamoDB Indexes (GSI + LSI)
DynamoDB Indexes (GSI + LSI) - Hands On
DynamoDB PartiQL
DynamoDB Optimistic Locking
DynamoDB DAX
DynamoDB DAX - Hands On
DynamoDB Streams
DynamoDB Streams - Hands On
DynamoDB TTL
DynamoDB CLI
DynamoDB Transactions
DynamoDB Session State
DynamoDB Partitioning Strategies
DynamoDB Conditional Writes, Concurrent Writes & Atomic Writes
DynamoDB Patterns with S3
DynamoDB Operations
DynamoDB Security & Other
DynamoDB Quiz
API Gateway - Section Introduction
API Gateway Overview
API Gateway Basics Hands On
API Gateway Stages and Deployment
API Gateway Stages and Deployment Hands On
API Gateway Stages Configurations Hands On
API Gateway Canary Deployments
API Gateway Canary Deployments Hands On
API Gateway Integration Types & Mappings
API Gateway Mapping Templates Hands On
API Gateway Open API
API Gateway Open API - Hands On
API Gateway Caching
API Gateway Usage Plans & API Keys
API Gateway Monitoring, Logging and Tracing
API Gateway CORS
API Gateway Authentication and Authorization
API Gateway Authentication and Authorization - Hands On
API Gateway Websocket API
API Gateway - Architecture
API Gateway Quiz
AWS CICD - Section Introduction
Introduction to CICD in AWS
CodeCommit Overview
IMPORTANT: CodeCommit Discontinuation
GitHub - Hands On
CodePipeline Overview
CodePipeline - Hands On - Prerequisite
CodePipeline - Hands On
CodeBuild Overview
CodeBuild Hands On Part I
CodeBuild Hands On Part 2
CodeDeploy Overview
CodeDeploy Hands On
CodeDeploy for EC2 and ASG
CodeArtifact - Overview
CodeArtifact - Hands On
CodeGuru - Overview
CodeGuru - Agent Configuration
AWS SAM - Section Introduction
SAM Overview
Installing the SAM CLI
Creating first SAM Project
Deploying SAM Project
SAM API Gateway
SAM DynamoDB
SAM Policy Templates
SAM with CodeDeploy
SAM - Local Capabilities
SAM - Multiple Environments
SAM Quiz
CDK Overview
CDK - Hands On
CDK - Constructs
CDK - Commands & Bootstraping
CDK - Unit Testing
CDK Quiz
Cognito Overview
Cognito User Pools
Cognito User Pools Hands On
Cognito User Pools - Others
Application Load Balancer - User Authentication
Cognito Identity Pools
Cognito Identity Pools Hands On
Cognito User Pools vs Cognito Identity Pools
Cognito Quiz
Step Functions Overview
Step Functions - Hands On
Step Functions - Invoke Lambda - Hands On
Step Functions - Error Handling
Step Functions - Error Handling Hands On
Step Functions - Wait For Task Token
Step Functions - Activity Tasks
Step Functions - Standard vs Express
AppSync Overview
AppSync Hands On
AWS Amplify
AWS Amplify - Hands On
Other Serverless Quiz
STS Overview
Advanced IAM
Granting a User Permissions to Pass a Role to an AWS Service
AWS Directory Services
Advanced IAM Quiz
AWS Security - Section Introduction
Encryption 101
KMS Overview
KMS Hands On w/ CLI
KMS Encryption Patterns and Envelope Encryption
Encryption SDK CLI Hands On
KMS Limits
KMS and AWS Lambda Practice
S3 Bucket Key
KMS Key Policies & IAM Principals
CloudHSM Overview
SSM Parameter Store Overview
SSM Parameter Store Hands On (CLI)
SSM Parameter Store Hands On (AWS Lambda)
Secrets Manager - Overview
Secrets Manager - Hands On
SSM Parameter Store vs Secrets Manager
CloudFormation - Secrets Manager & SSM Integration
CloudWatch Logs Encryption
CodeBuild Security
AWS Nitro Enclaves
AWS Security & Encryption Quiz
AWS Other Services - Section Introduction
Amazon OpenSearch Service - Overview
Amazon Athena - Overview
Amazon Athena - Hands On
Amazon MSK - Overview
Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM)
Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) Hands On
ACM Private CA - Overview
Amazon Macie
AWS AppConfig - Overview
CloudWatch Evidently
Other Services Quiz
AWS Final Cleanup
Cleanup Checklist
Exam Preparation - Section Introduction
State of Learning Checkpoint
Exam Tips - AWS Certified Developer Associate
Exam Walkthrough and Signup
Save 50% on your AWS Exam Cost!
Get an Extra 30 Minutes on your AWS Exam - Non Native English Speakers only
Practice Test - AWS Certified Developer Associate
AWS Certification Paths
Bonus Lecture

You Can Trust with Global Certification

At Prolytics Institute, our certifications are globally recognized, ensuring that your skills are validated by a trusted authority. Whether you're advancing in your current role or exploring new career opportunities, our credentials give you a competitive edge in today’s global job market.

Our certification programs are designed to meet international standards while catering to local industry needs. This ensures that your expertise is not only widely accepted but also practically applicable wherever you go.

  • 100% Jobs Placements

Committed to preparing you for successful career placement and acing job interviews.

  • Advanced Curriculum

Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted by senior angular specialists with extensive industry experience.

  • Latest Technologies

The course prioritizes cutting-edge technologies that are in high demand among top web design firms and global corporations.

  • Confidence Development

A Personality Development program that enhances skills in professional communication, email writing, and effective interview techniques.

  • Work on Real Projects

Engaging hands-on practice and real-world projects form a key part of the learning experience.

  • Top IT Professionals

Learn directly from professionals who are currently active as developer in top IT companies.



General frequently asked questions for students.

Our instructors are experienced professionals actively working in the IT industry. They bring real-world insights, practical knowledge, and expertise to the classroom, enhancing the learning experience.

Yes, we offer dedicated job placement support to our graduates. This includes resume workshops, mock interviews, and direct connections with our industry partners to help students transition smoothly into their careers.

Prolytics provides both in-person and online classes to cater to various learning preferences. Our online classes are live and interactive, allowing students to engage directly with instructors and peers.

Absolutely! We prioritize hands-on learning through practical projects and assignments based on real-world scenarios. These projects help students gain practical experience and build a portfolio to showcase to potential employers.

Yes, upon successfully completing a course, students receive a certificate from Prolytics, recognized by industry partners and highly valued in the job market.

Prolytics has a flexible refund policy. Students who need to withdraw may be eligible for a partial refund, depending on the timing and course structure. Please contact our support team for detailed information on refunds.

To enroll, visit our website and register the enrollment form for your desired course. You can also reach out to our admissions team for guidance on course selection and the enrollment process.

Students Reviews

Vipul Sharma – 10-Nov-18:

I work at Amazon and despite the training provided onsite, I wanted a little extra. I found it in the Prolytics Amazon web services course. This course is a must for those who want to work with Amazon!

Shivani Dwivedi – 21-Oct-18:

The Amazon web service course that Prolytics offers is by far the best as it incorporates both theory and practical sessions, making for a holistic learning experience. Thumbs up!

Suresh Vasdhani – 02-Oct-18:

The inclusion of advanced material in the Amazon web service course helped me immensely to become better at my job. This is truly the best course in the market!