According to the recent IBM prediction there will be around 30% increase in the employment of data scientists in upcoming two years.

Here, at Prolytics you will be trained with detailed learning in data science, data analytics, project life cycle, analysis, data acquisition, statistical methods and machine learning.

If you are Big Data Specialist, BI professionals, Business Analyst, Statistician, Information Architects or want to learn Machine Learning Techniques, then you can opt this course for your carrier.

What will you learn
  • Instructions on Data Mining

    You will be given step by step instructions on data mining so you can successfully complete all your data science projects without hassle.

  • Data Mining in Tableau

    At Prolytics, our experts will teach you how to perform the task of data mining in Tableau. This will cover all the basics of Tableau.

  • Application of Least Squares method

    Our tutors will teach you how to apply the Least Squares method while mining data along with a lowdown on how to create linear regressions.

Once you become a data scientist, you’ll open the door to a highly rewarding career. Below is a list of the skills you’ll learn-

  • Tableau to a data or CSV file
  • Navigating tableau
  • Tableau to an Excel file
  • Data mining with Chi Squared
  • R-squared
  • Linear regression output
  • Dummy variables
  • Confusion matrix
  • Creating derived variables
  • Cumulative Accuracy Profile


  • 217 Lectures
  • 23:12:05

Students Reviews

Yash Thakur – 05-Nov-18:

As a big data specialist, I needed a comprehensive course on data science my skills. Prolytics offered the perfect course that suited both my needs and my budget.

Rizwan Abbas – 23-Oct-18:

Data mining is a weak point for me but it was fixed completely once I took the data science course at Prolytics. The professional teachers here taught me very well and I’m very happy I took this course.

Puneet Goyal – 18-Sep-18:

My dream of becoming a data scientist came true with the Prolytics data science course! This course is very easy on the pocket and extremely detailed. Totally worth it!