Google Firebase Database
Google Firebase Development Course
Google Firebase is a powerful platform for building web and mobile applications with real-time database capabilities, authentication, and cloud functions. In the Google Firebase Development course at Prolytics, you will learn essential techniques to develop, manage, and optimize applications using Firebase services. This course will equip you with the skills to build scalable, high-performance applications with ease.
The course covers key topics such as Firebase setup, authentication, Firestore database, cloud functions, hosting, and security rules. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your expertise, this course will help you master Firebase development techniques.
What will you learn
Introduction to Firebase
Understand the fundamentals of Firebase, its architecture, and how it enhances app development.
Setting Up Firebase
Learn how to integrate Firebase into web and mobile applications.
Authentication with Firebase
Implement authentication using Firebase Authentication for secure user management.
Firestore and Realtime Database
Master database management using Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database.
Cloud Functions and Hosting
Utilize Firebase Cloud Functions and deploy applications using Firebase Hosting.
By completing this course, you will develop expertise in the following areas:
- Understanding Firebase fundamentals
- Integrating Firebase into applications
- Implementing authentication and user management
- Managing Firestore and Realtime Database
- Enhancing app performance with Firebase tools
- Using Firebase Cloud Functions
- Deploying and managing apps with Firebase Hosting
- Implementing Firebase security rules
- Leveraging Firebase analytics and crash reporting
- Advancing career opportunities in Firebase development
- Duration
- 45 Days
Course Overview - Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification | |
DO NOT SKIP - Course Downloads - PDF Presentation | |
About Your Course Instructor | |
Step 02 - Introduction to Cloud and GCP - Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 03 - Creating GCP - Google Cloud Platform V2 | |
Maximizing Learning Efficiency with Playback Speed |
Step 02 - Understanding Regions and Zones in GCP - Google Cloud Platform | |
Section Quiz | |
About Your Instructor |
Section Overview - Google Compute Engine | |
Keeping Up with the Cloud Updates | |
Step 03 - Understanding Machine Types and Images in Google Compute Engine - GCE | |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Step 04 - Installing HTTP Webserver on Google Compute Engine Virtual Machine | |
Step 05 - Understanding Internal and External IP Addresses V2 | |
Course update for next step! | |
Step 06 - Playing with a Static IP Addresses V2 | |
Step 07 - Understanding Static IP Address in GCP - Google Cloud Platform | |
Start up script for next step! | |
Step 08 - Simplifying Web Server setup with Compute Engine Startup Script V2 | |
Step 09 - Simplifying VM creation with Instance Templates | |
Step 10 - Reducing Launch Time with a Custom Image | |
Step 11 - Troubleshooting Launch of Apache on GCP Virtual Machine | |
Step 12 - Playing with Google Cloud Platform (Web) Console | |
WARNING! BILLING ALERT! Terminate Your VM Instances | |
Section Quiz | |
How to remember things for long time |
Step 01 - Understanding Sustained Use Discounts in GCP - Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 02 - Understanding Committed Use Discounts in GCP - Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 03 - Saving Costs with Preemptible VMs | |
COURSE UPDATE - Quick Review of Spot VMs | |
Step 04 - Understanding Billing for Google Compute Engine - GCE VMs | |
Step 05 - Achieving High Availability with Live Migration and Automatic Restart | |
Do You Want to Help Others Like You? | |
Step 06 - Understanding Custom Machine Types | |
Step 07 - Exploring GPUs in Google Compute Engine - GCE | |
Step 08 - Quick Review - Virtual Machines in Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 09 - Best Practices - Virtual Machines in Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 10 - Scenarios - Virtual Machines in Google Cloud Platform | |
Section Quiz | |
How can you help us? |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Step 02 - Playing with Gcloud config set | |
Step 03 - Managing Multiple Configurations in Gcloud | |
Step 04 - Understanding Command Structure in Gcloud to play with Services | |
Do you want to help us? | |
Step 05 - Playing with Gcloud compute instances create | |
Step 06 - Setting Default Region and Zone for Compute Engine | |
Step 07 - Exploring Gcloud commands - list and describe | |
Course Update: Move Command is Deprecated | |
Step 08 - Playing with Compute Instances in Gcloud | |
Step 09 - Playing with Instance Templates in Gcloud | |
WARNING! BILLING ALERT! Terminate Your VM Instances | |
Section Quiz | |
How to be consistent? |
Step 02 - Creating Managed Instance Groups (MIG) V2 | |
Keeping Up with the Cloud Updates | |
Step 04 - Updating a Managed Instance Groups (MIG) - Rolling Update & Restart V2 | |
Step 05 - Scenarios - Instance Groups | |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Course update for the next step! | |
Step 06 - Using Gcloud to play with Managed Instance Groups (MIG) | |
Step 07 - Gcloud and MIG - Making Updates | |
Step 08 - Gcloud and MIG - Managing Template Updates V2 | |
Section Quiz | |
Why Should You Embrace a Growth Mindset |
Step 00 - Getting Started with Cloud Load Balancing | |
Step 01 - Understanding HTTP, HTTPS, UDP and TCP Protocols | |
Step 02 - Creating a Load Balancer in GCP - Google Cloud Platform V2 | |
Step 03 - Understanding Cloud Load Balancing Terminology in GCP | |
Step 04 - Exploring the Load Balancer in GCP - Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 05 - Choosing a Load Balancer in GCP - Google Cloud Platform V2 | |
Step 06 - Exploring Features of Load Balancers | |
Step 07 - Scenarios - Cloud Load Balancing | |
WARNING! BILLING ALERT! Terminate Your VM Instances and Delete Load Balancer | |
How to Stay UpTo Date With Technology Changes |
Step 01 - What are Managed Services? | |
Step 02 - Understanding IAAS and PAAS | |
Step 03 - Understanding Evolution to Containers and Container Orchestration | |
Step 04 - Understanding Serverless | |
Step 05 - Getting my perspective on Serverless | |
Step 06 - Exploring Google Cloud Platform GCP Compute Services | |
Section Quiz | |
Story of in28minutes |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Course Downloads | |
Step 07 - Exploring App Engine in GCP - App, Services and Versions | |
Step 08 - Splitting Traffic between Multiple versions in App Engine | |
Step 09 - Create a New Service and Playing with App Engine | |
Step 10 - Understanding App Engine app.yaml | |
Step 11 - Understanding Request Routing in Google App Engine | |
Step 12 - Deploying New App Engine Versions without Downtime in GCP | |
Step 13 - Splitting Traffic Between App Engine Versions in GCP | |
Step 14 - Exploring App Engine and Gcloud - gcloud app | |
Step 15 - Exploring App Engine and Gcloud - gcloud app instances | |
Step 16 - Exploring App Engine and Gcloud - gcloud app services and versions | |
Step 17 - Creating Cron Jobs in App Engine | |
Step 18 - Exploring App Engine YAML files - dispatch and queue | |
Step 19 - Important Things to Remember - Google App Engine | |
Step 20 - Scenarios - Google App Engine | |
Section Quiz | |
What should I do when I face a challenge |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Commands executed in next step - Create Deployment | |
Step 05 - Kubernetes Journey - Scaling Deployments and Resizing Node Pools | |
Step 06 - Kubernetes Journey - Autoscaling, Config Map and Secrets | |
Step 07 - Exploring Kubernetes Deployments with YAML Declarative Configuration | |
Step 08 - Kubernetes Journey - The End | |
Step 09 - Understanding Kubernetes Clusters - Google Kubernetes Engine GKE | |
Step 10 - Understanding Pods in Kubernetes | |
Step 11 - Understanding Deployments and Replica Sets in Kubernetes | |
Step 12 - Understanding Services in Kubernetes | |
Step 13 - Getting Started with GCR - Google Container Registry | |
Step 14 - Important Things to Remember - Google Kubernetes Engine GKE | |
Step 15 - Scenarios - Google Kubernetes Engine GKE | |
Step 16 - Quick Review - Command Line - gcloud container clusters | |
Step 17 - Quick Review - Command Line - kubectl workload management | |
Step 18 - Delete GKE Service, Deployment and Cluster | |
COURSE UPDATE - Quick Review of GKE and Kubernetes | |
Section Quiz | |
All Work and No Play Makes You a Dull Kid |
Step 01 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Functions V2 | |
Step 02 - Understanding Google Cloud Functions - Important Concepts | |
Step 03 - Creating your first Google Cloud Functions V2 | |
Step 04 - Important Things to Remember - Google Cloud Functions V2 |
Step 01 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Run V2 | |
Step 02 - Gcloud and Google Cloud Run | |
Step 03 - Congratulations |
New Content on Cloud Functions - Generation 2 | |
Step 01 - Playing with Cloud Functions - Gen 2 | |
Step 02 - Exploring Cloud Functions - Scaling and Concurrency | |
Step 03 - Quick Overview of Deploying Cloud Functions with Gcloud | |
How to be Productive - 3 Tips |
Step 00 - Understanding Data States | |
Step 01 - Understanding Encryption - Symmetric and Asymmetric | |
Step 02 - Getting Started with Cloud KMS | |
Step 03 - Playing with Cloud KMS | |
How to take care of yourselves |
Step 01 - Exploring Block and File Storage in GCP V2 | |
Keeping Up with the Cloud Updates | |
Step 02 - Exploring Block Storage in GCP - Local SSDs V2 | |
Step 03 - Exploring Block Storage in GCP - Persistent Disks | |
Step 04 - Comparing Persistent Disks vs Local SSDs | |
Step 05 - Exploring Persistent Disk Types | |
Step 06 - Taking Snapshots for Persistent Disks | |
Step 07 - Playing with Persistent Disks and Snapshots in GCP V2 | |
Step 08 - Playing with Machine Images | |
Step 09 - Comparing Snapshots vs Images vs Machine Images | |
Step 10 - Playing with Disks - Gcloud | |
Step 11 - Playing with Images - Gcloud | |
Step 12 - Scenarios - Persistent Disks | |
Step 13 - Exploring File Storage with Filestore | |
Step 14 - Exploring Global, Regional and Zonal Resources | |
Step 15 - Scenarios - Block and File Storage | |
WARNING! BILLING ALERT! Terminate Your VM Instances and DELETE disks and backups | |
Section Quiz | |
Why should you teach others |
Course Downloads | |
Step 01 - Playing with Object Storage in GCP - Cloud Storage | |
Step 02 - Exploring Cloud Storage in GCP | |
Step 03 - Understanding Cloud Storage - Objects and Buckets | |
Step 04 - Understanding Cloud Storage - Storage Classes | |
Course Update: SLA for Storage Classes | |
Step 05 - Understanding Cloud Storage - Uploading and Downloading Options | |
Step 06 - Understanding Cloud Storage - Versioning | |
Step 07 - Understanding Cloud Storage - Lifecycle Management | |
Step 08 - Understanding Cloud Storage - Encryption with KMS | |
Step 09 - Scenarios - Cloud Storage | |
Step 10 - Playing with gsutil - Cloud Storage from Command Line | |
Section Quiz | |
How to handle failures |
Step 01 - Getting started with Cloud IAM | |
Step 02 - Exploring Cloud IAM with an Example | |
Step 03 - Exploring Cloud IAM - Roles | |
Step 04 - Playing with IAM Roles - Predefined, Basic and Custom Roles | |
Step 05 - Exploring Cloud IAM - Members, Role and Policy | |
Step 05a - Demo - Playing with IAM V2 | |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Step 05b - Demo - Playing with IAM - Command Line | |
Step 06 - Getting Started with Service Accounts | |
Step 06a - Demo - Playing with Service Accounts | |
Step 07 - Exploring Service Account Use Cases V2 | |
Step 08 - Scenarios - Service Accounts | |
Step 09 - Exploring Cloud Storage - ACL (Access Control Lists) | |
Step 10 - Exploring Cloud Storage - Signed URLs | |
Step 11 - Exposing a Public Website using Cloud Storage | |
Section Quiz | |
Technology Change is an Opportunity |
Step 01 - Getting Started with Databases | |
Step 02 - Understanding Database Fundamentals - Snapshot, Standby etc | |
Step 03 - Understanding Database Fundamentals - Availability and Durability | |
Step 03a - Understanding Database Fundamentals - Increasing Availability and Dur | |
Step 04 - Understanding Database Fundamentals - RTO and RPO | |
Step 05 - Understanding Database Fundamentals - Read Replicas | |
Step 06 - Understanding Database Fundamentals - Data Consistency | |
Step 06a - Understanding Database Fundamentals - Choosing Databases | |
Step 07 - OLTP Relational Databases in Google Cloud - Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanne | |
Step 08 - OLAP Relational Database in Google Cloud - BigQuery | |
Step 09 - NoSQL Databases in Google Cloud - Firestore, Datastore and BigTable | |
Step 10 - In memory Database in Google Cloud - Memorystore | |
Step 11 - Databases in Google Cloud Platform - A Quick Review | |
Step 12 - Databases in Google Cloud Platform - Scenarios | |
Share Your Experience |
Step 01 - Getting started with Cloud SQL | |
Commands executed in this section | |
Step 01a - Demo - Playing with Cloud SQL | |
Step 01b - Demo - Playing with Cloud SQL - 2 | |
Step 02 - Understanding Cloud SQL Features | |
Step 03 - Understanding Cloud SQL High Availability Features | |
Step 04 - Getting started with Cloud Spanner | |
Step 04a - Demo - Playing with Cloud Spanner V2 | |
Step 05 - Getting started with Cloud Datastore and Cloud Firestore | |
Step 05a - Demo - Playing with Firestore | |
Step 06 - Getting started with Cloud BigTable | |
Step 07 - Getting started with Memorystore | |
Step 07a - Demo - Playing with Memorystore | |
Step 08 - Getting started with BigQuery | |
Step 09 - Playing with Cloud SQL, BigQuery and Big Table from Command Line | |
Step 10a - Importing and Exporting Relational Databases | |
Step 10b - Importing and Exporting NoSQL Databases | |
Step 11 - Databases in Google Cloud Platform - Summary | |
Section Quiz | |
Reviewing Regularly is the Key |
Step 01 - Understanding Need for Asynchronous Communication | |
Step 02 - Getting Started with Cloud Pub Sub | |
Step 03 - Exploring Cloud Pub Sub - Publishing and Consuming a Message | |
Step 04 - Demo - Playing with Cloud Pub Sub V2 | |
Commands executed in next steps | |
Step 05 - Playing with Cloud Pub Sub from Command Line |
Step 01 - Understanding the Need for Google Cloud VPC - Virtual Private Cloud | |
Step 02 - Understanding the Need for VPC Subnets | |
Step 03 - Creating VPCs and Subnets in Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 03a - Understanding CIDR Blocks | |
Step 03b - Demo - Creating VPCs and Subnets in GCP V2 | |
Step 04 - Understanding Firewall Rules in Google Cloud Platform | |
Step 05 - Getting Started with Shared VPC | |
Step 06 - Getting Started with VPC Peering | |
Step 07 - Implementing Hybrid Cloud with Cloud VPN and Cloud Interconnect | |
WARNING! BILLING ALERT! Terminate Your VM Instances | |
Understanding Importance of Deep Work |
Step 01 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Monitoring | |
Step 02 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Logging | |
Step 03 - Exploring Google Cloud Logging - Audit Logs | |
Step 04 - Exploring Google Cloud Logging - Routing Logs and Exports | |
Step 04a - Creating a Cloud Storage Bucket and Cloud Function | |
Step 04b - Demo - Playing with Cloud Logging | |
Step 04c - Demo - Playing with Cloud Monitoring | |
Step 05 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Trace | |
Update: Google Cloud Debugger is no longer available | |
Step 06 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Debugger | |
Step 07 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Profiler | |
Step 09 - Scenarios - Operations in Google Cloud Platform | |
Section Quiz | |
How to stay relevant |
Step 01 - Organizing Google Cloud Resources - Projects, Folders and Organization | |
Step 02 - Exploring Billing Accounts | |
Step 03 - Understanding IAM Best Practices | |
Step 04a - Understanding User Identity Management in GCP | |
Step 04b - Exploring IAM Members and Identities | |
Step 04c - Understanding Organization Policy Service | |
Step 05 - Exploring IAM Policy at multiple levels - Resourcing Hierarchy | |
Step 05a - Getting the Right Mindset - Exploring IAM Roles | |
Step 06 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Organization, Billing and Project | |
Step 07 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Google Compute Engine | |
Step 08 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Google App Engine | |
Step 09 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Scenarios | |
Step 10 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Google Kubernetes Engine | |
Step 11 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Google Cloud Storage | |
Step 12 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Google Cloud BigQuery | |
Step 13 - Exploring IAM Predefined Roles - Logging and Service Accounts | |
Step 14 - Other Important IAM Roles | |
Step 15 - SSHing into Linux VMs - 1 | |
Step 16 - SSHing into Linux VMs - 2 | |
Step 17 - Exploring IAM Scenarios | |
WARNING! BILLING ALERT! Terminate Your VM Instances | |
Do You Know Your Learning Style |
Step 01 - Getting Started with Google Cloud Pricing Calculator - GCE VMs | |
Step 02 - Playing with Google Cloud Pricing Calculator - Compute Options | |
Step 03 - Playing with Google Cloud Pricing Calculator - Databases | |
Step 04 - Playing with Google Cloud Pricing Calculator - Others |
Step 01 - Getting Started with Cloud Deployment Manager | |
Step 02 - Understanding Cloud Deployment Manager | |
Step 03 - Getting Started with Cloud Marketplace | |
Step 04 - Demo - Cloud Marketplace and Deployment Manager | |
Step 05 - Getting Started with Cloud DNS | |
Step 06 - Getting Started with Cloud Dataflow | |
Step 07 - Getting Started with Cloud Dataproc | |
Do You Want To Help Us? | |
How to Decide Your Goals |
Step 01 - Get Ready - Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification | |
Step 02 - Recommendations - Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification | |
DO NOT SKIP - Congratulations! | |
Step 03 - Congratulations - Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification | |
Bonus Lecture |
You Can Trust with Global Certification
At Prolytics Institute, our certifications are globally recognized, ensuring that your skills are validated by a trusted authority. Whether you're advancing in your current role or exploring new career opportunities, our credentials give you a competitive edge in today’s global job market.
Our certification programs are designed to meet international standards while catering to local industry needs. This ensures that your expertise is not only widely accepted but also practically applicable wherever you go.
Committed to preparing you for successful career placement and acing job interviews.
Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted by senior angular specialists with extensive industry experience.
The course prioritizes cutting-edge technologies that are in high demand among top web design firms and global corporations.
A Personality Development program that enhances skills in professional communication, email writing, and effective interview techniques.
Engaging hands-on practice and real-world projects form a key part of the learning experience.
Learn directly from professionals who are currently active as developer in top IT companies.

General frequently asked questions for students.
Our instructors are experienced professionals actively working in the IT industry. They bring real-world insights, practical knowledge, and expertise to the classroom, enhancing the learning experience.
Yes, we offer dedicated job placement support to our graduates. This includes resume workshops, mock interviews, and direct connections with our industry partners to help students transition smoothly into their careers.
Prolytics provides both in-person and online classes to cater to various learning preferences. Our online classes are live and interactive, allowing students to engage directly with instructors and peers.
Absolutely! We prioritize hands-on learning through practical projects and assignments based on real-world scenarios. These projects help students gain practical experience and build a portfolio to showcase to potential employers.
Yes, upon successfully completing a course, students receive a certificate from Prolytics, recognized by industry partners and highly valued in the job market.
Prolytics has a flexible refund policy. Students who need to withdraw may be eligible for a partial refund, depending on the timing and course structure. Please contact our support team for detailed information on refunds.
To enroll, visit our website and register the enrollment form for your desired course. You can also reach out to our admissions team for guidance on course selection and the enrollment process.
Students Reviews

This is the best app development course you will ever come across! The course is from Google therefore, success is sure and very easy to learn with the teachers at Prolytics.

The instructors I had when doing the Firebase Masterclass course at Prolytics were just phenomenal! They could turn complex concepts into simple ones without even trying.

I love the exposure I got when doing the Google Firebase Masterclass course at Prolytics. Getting the chance to work on live projects is always a bonus! The lecturers were amazing too!