Mongo Database
Mongo Database
MongoDB is getting popular now-days because of its flexibility and capability of storing non-relational data on a super large scale and have power to solve such problems that regular databases can’t handle. Main reason behind its popularity is that it is used on Big data operations effectively and scalability for modern applications like social media with Facebook, searches like Google and other sectors like Health, Educations, Aviation etc.
In this course you will learn building a complete web application using new techniques such as querying with JavaScript without SQL, working with nested data and creating views.
What will you learn
How to use Mongo Database
We will not only show how to use MongoDB but will also help you deciding when and where to use MongoDB when developing apps.
Designing Mongo database
The tutors at Prolytics will teach you the A to Z of designing a Mongo database – right from its start to the finish.
Advantages and features of Mongo
Mongo has plenty of advantages and features of its own, especially as compared to RDBMS database. You’ll learn all about them here.
By learning everything about Mongo database, you will be able to handle Big Data operations with ease. Plus, you will learn the following skills with us-
- MongoDB and RDBMS
- How to install MongoDB
- Running and configuring MongoDB
- Creating and saving documents
- Dropping a database
- Reading a document, querying
- Updating/deleting documents
- Creating/finding/dropping indexes
- One to one relationship
- Starting mongod serve
- 136 Lectures
- 14:22:12
- Mongo Databases03:26
- MongoDB05:35
- MongoDB & RDBMS04:41
- MongoDB 4.0.2 install02:05
- Running05:32
- Configuring MongoDB 4.0r11:12
- configuration file07:05
- Latest MongoDB 3.6 Release07:55
- Configuring MongoDB server05:05
- configuration file05:14
- Creating First Database05:15
- Creating Document,Saving04:05
- Dropping a Database02:15
- db.createCollection05:54
- Dropping a Collection03:20
- Introduction to Indexes04:05
- Understanding Impact Indexes06:19
- Creating Index04:18
- Finding Indexes02:05
- Dropping Index02:37
- Section Overview02:21
- Understanding ObjectIds04:05
- Creating ObjectIds03:33
- Advantage screated MongoDB04:14
- Disadvantages created04:19
- Aggregation Framework04:45
- aggregate()method-108:43
- aggregate()method-206:03
- Using distinct() and count()06:05
- Sorting documents03:58
- Introduction 04:05
- using References05:37
- using Embedded documents03:52
- Creating User06:02
- Starting mongod serve03:58
- Unauthorized Access Error-User08:36
- Many-To-Many Relationship05:05
- Installing node.js03:05
- Familiar-NodeJS-REPL p-103:52
- Familiar-NodeJS-REPL p-206:13
- Working With NPM: Node07:10
- http server with Node.js06:05
- Structure,Installing MongoDB16:14
- Inserting Documents/Data09:12
- Inserting Documents Node.js08:21
- Updating documents06:05
- Querying,Deleting Documents06:33
- Introduction02:10
- What is Replication?08:11
- Replication Architecture04:12
- Heartbeat Arbiter,Replica-set08:11
- Replica Set Elections04:05
- Factors & Conditions10:34
- Voting Non-voting Members08:18
- Understanding Voting N/Voting06:08
- Writing:Voting & N/Voting 08:23
- Introduction02:49
- Setting Single Node Replica Set10:32
- 3 Node Replica Set Setup15:14
- Introduction02:25
- Introduction to Sharding10:24
- Sharded Clusters08:12
- Architecture of Sharded Cluster08:02
- Shard Keys in Detail08:19
- Introduction05:04
- Dynamic Web Project-Maven05:22
- Deployment:web.xml08:19
- Maven:pom.xml13:14
- Project Structure Folders04:08
- Writing JSP File Part 105:04
- Writing JSP Part 208:02
- Writing CSS11:23
- Listener in Servlet - Part 108:44
- Listener in Servlet - Part 210:02
- JSP and CSS formatting form10:08
- Writing Model class04:32
- Writng Action URL05:55
- Writing AddUser Servlet05:05
- Understanding Servlet07:47
- Writing Field Validation Servlet11:05
- Writing Field validation logic JSP07:05
- Writing DAO Class12:17
- Writing Logic View All Users10:08
- Writing Edit User-Delete14:29
Students Reviews
I was looking for a course on mongo database that neither cost much nor took too much of my time and I found the perfect one at Prolytics! Very happy with it overall.
This mongo database course has it all! The lectures are very informative and the tests at the end really help in knowing how much one has learned. Another great course by Prolytics.
Major thumbs up to Prolytics for coming up with a course on mongo database! It’s not easy to find such a brilliant course at such low prices. This is how it should be done!