PHP Development Course

PHP Development Training

PHP Development is a widely-used server-side scripting language for web development. In the PHP Development course at Prolytics, you will learn the fundamentals of PHP, including syntax, functions, and database integration. This course will equip you with the skills to build dynamic and interactive web applications.

The course covers essential topics such as PHP syntax, working with forms, handling databases using MySQL, and implementing security best practices. Whether you're new to web development or looking to enhance your backend programming skills, this course will help you master PHP and create scalable web applications.

What will you learn
  • Introduction to PHP

    Understand the basics of PHP, its syntax, and how it integrates with HTML and databases.

  • Working with Forms and User Input

    Learn how to handle user input, validate data, and process form submissions securely.

  • Database Integration with MySQL

    Explore how to interact with MySQL databases, perform CRUD operations, and use PHP Data Objects (PDO).

  • Session Management and Authentication

    Master session handling, cookies, and authentication techniques to manage user logins and security.

  • Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

    Understand the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in PHP to build modular and reusable code.

By completing this course, you will develop expertise in the following areas:

  • Understanding PHP fundamentals and syntax
  • Handling user input and processing forms securely
  • Developing dynamic websites with PHP and MySQL
  • Implementing authentication and session management
  • Writing secure and optimized PHP code
  • Applying object-oriented programming concepts
  • Interacting with databases using MySQL and PDO
  • Debugging and error handling in PHP applications
  • Building RESTful APIs using PHP
  • Preparing for PHP development career opportunities


  • Duration
  • 45 Days
What Is PHP?
Setup PHP - MacOS
Setup PHP - Windows
Text Editor Setup
Data Types
String Concatenation
Type Casting & Juggling
Variables Challenge
Arithmetic Operators & Functions
String Functions
Dates & Times
Intro To Arrays
Array Functions
Associative Arrays
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Array Challenges
Basic Loops
Nested Loops
Looping Through Arrays
Multi-Dimensional Array Iteration
Array & Loop Challenges
If Statements
Conditional HTML Output
Comparison & Logical Operators
Conditionals In Loops - break & continue
Activity: Dynamic Job Listings
FizzBuzz Challenge
Switch Statements
Ternary Operator
Null Coalescing Operator
Names Challenge
Functions & Return Values
Parameters & Arguments
Global & Local Scope
Optional Type Declarations
Activity: Job Listings Helper Functions
Average Salary Challenge
Anonymous Functions & Closures
Callback Functions
Arrow Functions
Format Salary Refactor Challenge
More Function Challenges
OOP Overview
Access Modifiers, Getters & Setters
Static Members & Methods
OOP Challenges
Abstract Classes
Overview Of Superglobals
$_SERVER - Get Server Information
Environment Variables & $GLOBALS
$_GET - Data From Query Params
$_POST - Data From Forms
$_REQUEST - Superglobal
Message Alert Challenge
$_SESSION - Creating a Session
$_COOKIE - Working With Cookies
An Intro To Databases
MySQL Setup - MacOS
MySQL Setup - Windows
MySQL Shell & Making Queries
MySQL Workbench & Database Setup
Database Users & Privileges
Connect With PDO
Fetch Multiple Records
Fetch Single Record
Create Form & Insert Record
Delete Records
Edit Form & Update Records
Project Repo Link
UI Theme Files
Folder Setup
Home View & Set Document Root
Git Setup & Commit
Split UI Into Partials
Inspect Helper Functions
Create a VERY Basic Router
Create Views
Separate Router Files
Project Database Setup - MySQL Workbench
Database Class & Connection
Query Method & Fetch Listings
Pass Data To View
Single Listing & Named Params
Single Listing Display
Folder Structure Refactor
Custom Autoloader
Composer & PSR-4 Autoloader
Router Refactor For Controller Classes
Controller Classes - Home & Listings
ErrorController Class
Handling Route Params
Section Wrap
Validation Class
Form Submission & Sanitizing Data
Implement Validation
Insert Listings Into Database
Delete Listings
Flash Messages
Edit Form
Update Listing
User Controller & Views
Register Validation & Error Partial
Register User
Session Class & Set User
Dynamic Navbar Links
Logout & Clear Session
Login Functionality
Authorize Middleware
Delete Authorization
Flash Message Methods
Update Authorization
Section Intro
Listing Search Functionality
Hostinger Intro
Hosting & Domain Setup
Database Export - Local
Database Import - Production
Upload Website & Configure Files
Course Wrap Up

You Can Trust with Global Certification

At Prolytics Institute, our certifications are globally recognized, ensuring that your skills are validated by a trusted authority. Whether you're advancing in your current role or exploring new career opportunities, our credentials give you a competitive edge in today’s global job market.

Our certification programs are designed to meet international standards while catering to local industry needs. This ensures that your expertise is not only widely accepted but also practically applicable wherever you go.

  • 100% Jobs Placements

Committed to preparing you for successful career placement and acing job interviews.

  • Advanced Curriculum

Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted by senior angular specialists with extensive industry experience.

  • Latest Technologies

The course prioritizes cutting-edge technologies that are in high demand among top web design firms and global corporations.

  • Confidence Development

A Personality Development program that enhances skills in professional communication, email writing, and effective interview techniques.

  • Work on Real Projects

Engaging hands-on practice and real-world projects form a key part of the learning experience.

  • Top IT Professionals

Learn directly from professionals who are currently active as developer in top IT companies.



General frequently asked questions for students.

Our instructors are experienced professionals actively working in the IT industry. They bring real-world insights, practical knowledge, and expertise to the classroom, enhancing the learning experience.

Yes, we offer dedicated job placement support to our graduates. This includes resume workshops, mock interviews, and direct connections with our industry partners to help students transition smoothly into their careers.

Prolytics provides both in-person and online classes to cater to various learning preferences. Our online classes are live and interactive, allowing students to engage directly with instructors and peers.

Absolutely! We prioritize hands-on learning through practical projects and assignments based on real-world scenarios. These projects help students gain practical experience and build a portfolio to showcase to potential employers.

Yes, upon successfully completing a course, students receive a certificate from Prolytics, recognized by industry partners and highly valued in the job market.

Prolytics has a flexible refund policy. Students who need to withdraw may be eligible for a partial refund, depending on the timing and course structure. Please contact our support team for detailed information on refunds.

To enroll, visit our website and register the enrollment form for your desired course. You can also reach out to our admissions team for guidance on course selection and the enrollment process.

Students Reviews

Rahul Gupta – 12-Nov-18:

This PHP development course turned me into a pro at designing websites! Now every company wants to hire me. I couldn’t be happier!

Ankit Tiwari – 04-Nov-18:

Enrolling myself in the Prolytics PHP development course was the best decision I’ve ever made! This course helped me get a high paying job and taught me everything I need to know.

Karishma Sehgal – 15-Oct-18:

I have to say that the PHP instructors at Prolytics are the best! I’m a slow learner and yet they patiently helped me learn the basics of the course in the best possible manner.