python development


In general, though, Python enjoys a large user base and a very active developer community. It is generally considered to be in the top 5 or top 10 most widely used programming languages in the world today (its exact ranking varies per source and date). Because Python has been around for over two decades and has been widely used, it is also very stable and robust.

Compared to alternatives like C++, Java, and C#, Python programming seems astonishingly simple to most observers. To run a Python program, you simply type it and run it. There are no intermediate compile and link steps, like there are for languages such as C or C++. Python executes programs immediately, which makes for an interactive programming experience and rapid turnaround after program changes—in many cases, you can witness the effect of a program change nearly as fast as you can type it.

What will you learn
  • Complete lowdown on Python

    Basics as well as advanced concepts of Python will be taught by the tutors at Prolytics so you get a firm understanding of Python.

  • Game developing

    Python serves as an excellent language for developing games. Learn how to use this language to build games at Python.

  • Programs and application creation

    Not only games but Python is also excellent for creating apps and programs, which you will learn in this course at Prolytics.

Becoming a Python developer will allow you to create an array of apps and programs. You’ll learn these skills if you choose this course-

  • Python installation
  • Python basics
  • Running Python smoothly
  • Developing games
  • Apps and programs creation
  • Tracing IP address
  • Speech recognition system
  • Web browser
  • Data visualization
  • Web development


  • 154 Lectures
  • 21:19:05


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Students Reviews

Pankaj Joshi – 06-Nov-18:

There’s a lot to learn in python development and I was afraid that at this price, the Prolytics course wouldn’t be able to cover it all but I was pleasantly surprised! This course is amazing!

Shubham Gupta – 27-Oct-18:

I don’t think a more detailed course on python development than the one offered by Prolytics exists! And to think I got a major discount on this course. Prolytics made my career!

Alankar Talwar – 05-Oct-18:

A big thank you to Prolytics for having an easily affordable python development course! It really helps students like me hone their skills and make all of their dreams come true.