python development
In general, though, Python enjoys a large user base and a very active developer community. It is generally considered to be in the top 5 or top 10 most widely used programming languages in the world today (its exact ranking varies per source and date). Because Python has been around for over two decades and has been widely used, it is also very stable and robust.
Compared to alternatives like C++, Java, and C#, Python programming seems astonishingly simple to most observers. To run a Python program, you simply type it and run it. There are no intermediate compile and link steps, like there are for languages such as C or C++. Python executes programs immediately, which makes for an interactive programming experience and rapid turnaround after program changes—in many cases, you can witness the effect of a program change nearly as fast as you can type it.
What will you learn
Complete lowdown on Python
Basics as well as advanced concepts of Python will be taught by the tutors at Prolytics so you get a firm understanding of Python.
Game developing
Python serves as an excellent language for developing games. Learn how to use this language to build games at Python.
Programs and application creation
Not only games but Python is also excellent for creating apps and programs, which you will learn in this course at Prolytics.
Becoming a Python developer will allow you to create an array of apps and programs. You’ll learn these skills if you choose this course-
- Python installation
- Python basics
- Running Python smoothly
- Developing games
- Apps and programs creation
- Tracing IP address
- Speech recognition system
- Web browser
- Data visualization
- Web development
- 154 Lectures
- 21:19:05
- Introduction to Python 04:18
- LoopsMac/Linux installation 07:25
- Windows setup 08:15
- Interpreted vs. compiled04:05
- Creating,running Python script02:19
- integrated development08:19
- share your code with us and get04:19
- Basic types - numbers06:44
- Basic types - strings05:05
- Basic string manipulation10:21
- Basic types Boolean operators05:18
- Lists (arrays)04:03
- Dictionaries04:27
- Variables06:12
- Built-in functions07:42
- User-defined functions08:36
- Adding arguments function04:41
- Default arguments05:32
- Keyword arguments03:36
- Infinite arguments04:52
- Return values from functions04:38
- If, elif, else statements04:43
- For/while loops05:48
- Importing libraries script08:11
- Project #1-Building a calculator20:23
- PEP guidelines 12:39
- Breaking out of while loops10:46
- Continuing while loops03:33
- Classes objects05:41
- Instance variables04:29
- Class instance variables02:24
- add comments to your code03:46
- Importing modules relative04:47
- RPG setup07:19
- Creating our character08:05
- Additional utility classes07:24
- Enemy instantiation18:33
- Using magic15:41
- Turning our magic into a class16:14
- Healing our player05:47
- Adding items17:28
- Implementing different item13:13
- Better HP view10:10
- Adding members to our party14:14
- Working HP bars17:27
- White space in HP MP06:19
- Enemy HP bar10:05
- Multiple enemies pt.1 12:21
- Multiple enemies pt.211:18
- Enemy artificial intelligence25:08
- Reading and writing files04:41
- JavaScript Object Notation10:33
- Virtualenv to create03:18
- Python Package Index04:05
- Introduction02:02
- HTTP GET variables 04:29
- image processing library09:16
- Posting data04:42
- Posting JSON07:17
- Headers02:10
- Beautiful Soup06:02
- Parsing our soup09:18
- Directional navigation 06:27
- Image scraper09:35
- Improvements our web scraper07:22
- Introduction and setup02:10
- Inserting documents08:39
- Bulk inserts 04:41
- Counting documents04:02
- Multiple find conditions01:17
- Datetime and keywords07:53
- Indexes07:45
- Introduction02:24
- HTML templates05:24
- Building a MVC08:35
- Importing static files08:17
- Setting up a register form13:10
- Posting data to web.py05:31
- Creating users07:05
- Hashing passwords06:07
- Login logic12:40
- sessions12:24
- Logout functionality06:51
- Posting microblogs10:09
- Retrieving post objects07:18
- User settings,updating Mongo19:17
- Relative datetimes03:20
- Making our post dates pretty04:17
- Adding post comments14:48
- Image uploads and avatars23:02
- Django project setup07:19
- Creating our blog app10:20
- Setting up the admin site07:16
- URLs and views04:42
- HTML templates02:05
- Dynamic template data07:46
- Single post page06:07
- Implementing Bootstrap03:18
- Static files04:40
- Template inheritance11:54
- Post images05:46
- multi-level templates04:24
- Introduction02:18
- Declarative interfaces 13:27
- Event handling in QML09:16
- Qt layouts,buttons,labels13:05
- QLineEdit05:07
- QPushButton clicked07:15
- Setting QLabels text 06:27
- Calculator project setup05:17
- QGridLayout06:49
- Programming buttons08:27
- Button event handling06:41
- Evaluating queries10:53
- Finishing touches 02:44
- QTabWidget14:05
- Interacting with tabs11:18
- QWebEngine implementation14:16
- Switching tabs08:49
- Setting up our web address bar06:10
- Updating tab text10:48
- Updating tab icons06:11
- Back functionality04:05
- forward functionality03:05
- reload functionality03:15
- Updating the address bar10:41
- Style sheets10:47
- Qt key shortcuts10:52
- QtSplitter and section wrap up11:37
- Introduction02:16
- World population graph07:34
- Adding labels03:16
- Adding labels03:42
- Multiple lines 02:17
- line styling02:10
- Configuring the graph04:25
- Let's make pie (charts)07:18
- Bar charts pt.109:05
- Bar charts pt.210:52
- Bar charts pt.310:38
- Custom legend04:11
Students Reviews
There’s a lot to learn in python development and I was afraid that at this price, the Prolytics course wouldn’t be able to cover it all but I was pleasantly surprised! This course is amazing!
I don’t think a more detailed course on python development than the one offered by Prolytics exists! And to think I got a major discount on this course. Prolytics made my career!
A big thank you to Prolytics for having an easily affordable python development course! It really helps students like me hone their skills and make all of their dreams come true.