Python Development

Python Development

Python is one of the most powerful and versatile programming languages, widely used for web development, data analysis, automation, and machine learning. In the Python Development course at Prolytics, you will learn the fundamentals of Python programming, object-oriented design, and modern development techniques. This course will equip you with the skills to build real-world applications, whether for the web, data science, or automation.

The course covers essential topics such as Python syntax, libraries, frameworks, debugging, testing, and deploying Python applications. Whether you\'re new to programming or an experienced developer, this course will help you master Python and open up opportunities in various domains.

What will you learn
  • Introduction to Python Programming

    Learn Python syntax, data types, and how to write basic programs. You will also get a solid understanding of variables, loops, and conditionals.

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    Master the principles of object-oriented programming, such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation to create reusable and scalable code.

  • Working with Libraries and Frameworks

    Explore popular Python libraries and frameworks such as Flask, Django, Pandas, and NumPy, which are essential for web development, data analysis, and automation.

  • Testing and Debugging

    Learn how to debug Python code and write unit tests using tools like pytest to ensure the quality of your applications.

  • Deploying Python Applications

    Understand how to deploy Python applications to various environments, from local setups to cloud platforms like AWS, Heroku, and Docker.

By completing this course, you will develop expertise in the following areas:

  • Writing efficient and readable Python code
  • Mastering object-oriented design patterns in Python
  • Working with Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib
  • Building and deploying web applications with Django and Flask
  • Automating tasks and processes using Python scripts
  • Debugging and testing Python applications
  • Integrating third-party APIs and libraries
  • Understanding Python’s memory management and performance optimization
  • Building Python applications for data science and machine learning
  • Deploying Python apps to cloud environments and managing updates


  • Duration
  • 45 Days
Auto-Welcome Message
Course Curriculum Overview
Why Python?
Course FAQs
Command Line Basics
Running Python Code
Getting the Notebooks and the Course Material
Git and Github Overview (Optional)
Introduction to Python Data Types
Numbers: Simple Arithmetic
Numbers - FAQ
Numbers Quiz
Variable Assignments
Introduction to Strings
Quick Print Check
Indexing and Slicing with Strings
String Indexing
String Slicing
String Properties and Methods
Strings -FAQ
Strings Quiz
Print Formatting with Strings
Print Formatting FAQs
Print Formatting
Lists in Python
Lists - FAQ
Lists Quiz
Dictionaries in Python
Dictionaries - FAQ
Dictionaries Quiz
Tuples with Python
Tuples Quiz
Sets in Python
Booleans in Python
Sets and Booleans Quiz
I/O with Basic Files in Python
File I/O
Resources for More Basic Practice
Python Objects and Data Structures Assessment Test Overview
Python Objects and Data Structures Assessment Test Solutions
Comparison Operators in Python
Chaining Comparison Operators in Python with Logical Operators
Comparison Operators Quiz
If Elif and Else Statements in Python
While Loops in Python
Useful Operators in Python
List Comprehensions in Python
Python Statements Test Overview
Python Statements Test Solutions
Methods and the Python Documentation
Introduction to Functions
def Keyword
Basics of Python Functions
Logic with Python Functions
Tuple Unpacking with Python Functions
Interactions between Python Functions
Overview of Quick Function Exercises #1-10
Quick Check on Solutions Link
Functions #1: print Hello World
Functions #2: print Hello Name
Functions #3 - simple Boolean
Functions #4 - using Booleans
Functions #5: simple math
Functions #6: is even
Functions #7: is greater
*args and **kwargs in Python
Functions #8: *args
Functions #9: pick evens
Functions #10: skyline
Function Practice Exercises - Overview
Function Practice Exercises - Solutions
Function Practice - Solutions Level One
Function Practice - Solutions Level Two
Function Exercise Solutions - Challenge Problem
Lambda Expressions, Map, and Filter Functions
Nested Statements and Scope
Methods and Functions Homework Overview
Methods and Functions Homework - Solutions
Introduction to Warm Up Project Exercises
Displaying Information
Accepting User Input
Validating User Input
Simple User Interaction
First Python Milestone Project Overview
Milestone Project Help
Solution Overview for MileStone Project 1 - Part One
Solution Overview for MileStone Project 1 - Part Two
Object Oriented Programming - Introduction
Object Oriented Programming - Attributes and Class Keyword
Object Oriented Programming - Class Object Attributes and Methods
Object Oriented Programming - Inheritance and Polymorphism
Object Oriented Programming - Special (Magic/Dunder) Methods
Object Oriented Programming - Homework
Object Oriented Programming - Homework Solutions
Object Oriented Programming - Challenge Overview
Object Oriented Programming - Challenge Solution
Pip Install and PyPi
Modules and Packages
__name__ and "__main__"
Errors and Exception Handling
Errors and Exceptions Homework
Errors and Exception Homework - Solutions
Update for Pylint Users
Pylint Overview
Running tests with the Unittest Library
Introduction to Milestone Project 2 Section Warmup
Card Class
Deck Class
Player Class
Game Logic - Part One
Game Logic - Part Two
Game Logic - Part Three
Milestone Project 2 Overview
Solution Walkthrough - Card and Deck classes
Solution Walkthrough - Hand and Chip Classes
Solution Walkthrough - Functions for Game Play
Solutions Walkthrough - Final Gameplay Script
Decorators with Python Overview
Decorators Homework
Generators with Python
Generators Homework Overview
Generators Homework Solutions
Introduction to Advanced Python Modules
Python Collections Module
Opening and Reading Files and Folders (Python OS Module)
Python Datetime Module
Python Math and Random Modules
Python Debugger
Python Regular Expressions Part One
Python Regular Expressions Part Two
Python Regular Expressions Part Three
Timing Your Python Code
Zipping and Unzipping files with Python
Advanced Python Module Puzzle - Overview
Advanced Python Module Puzzle - Solution
Introduction to Web Scraping
Setting Up Web Scraping Libraries
Python Web Scraping - Grabbing a Title
Python Web Scraping - Grabbing a Class
Python Web Scraping - Grabbing an Image
Python Web Scraping - Book Examples Part One
Python Web Scraping - Book Examples Part Two
Python Web Scraping - Exercise Solutions
Introduction to Images with Python
Working with Images with Python
Python Image Exercises - Overview
Python Image Exercises - Solution
Introduction to PDFs and Spreadsheets with Python
Working with CSV Files in Python
Working with PDF Files in Python
PDFs and Spreadsheets Python Puzzle Exercise
PDFs and Spreadsheets Python Puzzle Exercise - Solutions
Introduction to Emails with Python
Sending Emails with Python
Receiving Emails with Python
Final Capstone Project
Advanced Numbers
Advanced Strings
Advanced Sets
Advanced Dictionaries
Advanced Lists
Advanced Python Objects Assessment Test
Advanced Python Objects Test - Solutions
Introduction to GUIs
Quick note about ipywidgets
Interact Functionality with GUIs
GUI Widget Basics
List of Possible Widgets
Widget Styling and Layouts
Example of what a Widget can do!
Objects and Data Structures Assessment - Solutions
Comparison Operators
Chained Comparison Operators

You Can Trust with Global Certification

At Prolytics Institute, our certifications are globally recognized, ensuring that your skills are validated by a trusted authority. Whether you're advancing in your current role or exploring new career opportunities, our credentials give you a competitive edge in today’s global job market.

Our certification programs are designed to meet international standards while catering to local industry needs. This ensures that your expertise is not only widely accepted but also practically applicable wherever you go.

  • 100% Jobs Placements

Committed to preparing you for successful career placement and acing job interviews.

  • Advanced Curriculum

Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted by senior angular specialists with extensive industry experience.

  • Latest Technologies

The course prioritizes cutting-edge technologies that are in high demand among top web design firms and global corporations.

  • Confidence Development

A Personality Development program that enhances skills in professional communication, email writing, and effective interview techniques.

  • Work on Real Projects

Engaging hands-on practice and real-world projects form a key part of the learning experience.

  • Top IT Professionals

Learn directly from professionals who are currently active as developer in top IT companies.



General frequently asked questions for students.

Our instructors are experienced professionals actively working in the IT industry. They bring real-world insights, practical knowledge, and expertise to the classroom, enhancing the learning experience.

Yes, we offer dedicated job placement support to our graduates. This includes resume workshops, mock interviews, and direct connections with our industry partners to help students transition smoothly into their careers.

Prolytics provides both in-person and online classes to cater to various learning preferences. Our online classes are live and interactive, allowing students to engage directly with instructors and peers.

Absolutely! We prioritize hands-on learning through practical projects and assignments based on real-world scenarios. These projects help students gain practical experience and build a portfolio to showcase to potential employers.

Yes, upon successfully completing a course, students receive a certificate from Prolytics, recognized by industry partners and highly valued in the job market.

Prolytics has a flexible refund policy. Students who need to withdraw may be eligible for a partial refund, depending on the timing and course structure. Please contact our support team for detailed information on refunds.

To enroll, visit our website and register the enrollment form for your desired course. You can also reach out to our admissions team for guidance on course selection and the enrollment process.

Students Reviews

Pankaj Joshi – 06-Nov-18:

There’s a lot to learn in python development and I was afraid that at this price, the Prolytics course wouldn’t be able to cover it all but I was pleasantly surprised! This course is amazing!

Shubham Gupta – 27-Oct-18:

I don’t think a more detailed course on python development than the one offered by Prolytics exists! And to think I got a major discount on this course. Prolytics made my career!

Alankar Talwar – 05-Oct-18:

A big thank you to Prolytics for having an easily affordable python development course! It really helps students like me hone their skills and make all of their dreams come true.